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The Staffroom Ltd  /  Articles by: ascona


Who is looking?

Hey there people… who is looking for jobs right now? Its the perfect time to get your feelers out there and start seeking out your perfect job. We can tell you its a pretty tight market out there and that means that as a job seeker you have next to no competition!! So if you’ve been thinking about something new or you’re a bit bored – talk to us 🙂 Go to our Contact Us page and send your cv or have a scroll through our Job Seekers page and see if anything takes your fancy, Jill.

job interview body language

Let your body do the talking

Did you know that your words tell part of the story but it’s your body that tells the whole story. Our clients (your future employers) tell us that during an interview they look at your body language to view your behaviours and help ascertain your authenticity and sincerity. A smile 😄 is warm and welcoming. A tilted head shows you are interested and a light touch on the arm conveys trust and harmony. When thinking about your handshake remember your goal is to make the person feel comfortable, it is never a good idea to dominate and for those that have a weak handshake be mindful this may be a cultural thing – common sense is the best approach. Sometimes we may mirror (copy) the behaviour of others and mimick speech/language, that is perfectly ok – it means we are building rapport. Above all – always be yourself 💗

Jill Cachemaille - Recruitment Specialist

My Story and Why I’m Passionate about People

25 years ago a Recruiter took a chance on me. I applied for a job through a large international agency and during the interview they asked me to work for them – they said they loved my passion, enthusiasm and energy, even though I had plenty of transferable skills and experience – it was me they hired not my cv. 25 years on I now take the time, every time – to see who you are when I’m interviewing, yes the skills and experience matter but recognising you as a person and matching you accurately to a business and their culture is bigger. Before every interview I remind myself how you might be feeling so I never forget what its like to be on the other side of the interview process. I’ve learned over the years to recognise unique talent is to recognise the uniqueness in people. To all of the candidates out there looking for employment right now – be yourself, be unique, someone WILL take a chance on you and for all the Employers out there seeking unique talent – you know where to find us…